If anyone is in the situation where you're unable or unlikely to pledge for an axiiio Kit, but you'd still like to show your support for the axiiio nano Kickstarter campaign, we have some suggestions.
Back it because you believe in it.
Kickstarter allows you to donate to any amount to a project by choosing the "Pledge without a reward" level. In their own words,
Support the project for no reward, just because it speaks to you.
You will have our eternal love and gratitude.
Buy us a coffee!
We love coffee and we need it for this campaign, a lot of it. A coffee or 10 would go a long way to helping us get though this!
Grab some T-shirts!
We'll ship as many T-shirts as you want, they're AUD$30 each. Get one for each day of the week! If actually do want more than one, just input an amount that's a multiple of $30 and we'll make sure to ship the right number to you.
Whatever the level of support you're able to give, thank you, we're so grateful. And hopefully spaceship axiiio will be able to launch come December.